BIMSEC a regional corporation

* it is an opportunity to Indian ocean regional ountries
*after uri attack bangladesh,srilanka,nepal,bycotted,SAARC summit
*but it bought new neighbourhood policy for india itself
* south eastern nation cultural ties based on hinduism budhism harder edge with india
* mainly " geopolitical " encroachment pointed to oppose china
* to focus on more economic and trade to counter china
* so this will big boost beyond south Asian countries
*as per global estimate cargo and 2/3 of oil shipment cross through  Indian ocean ( but most of it will go to different country
*India has to take a trading lead role in with ocean region
*china OBRO is major player
*to improve south eastern small nation situation India should maker of bigger unilateral push to improve regional connectivity to including greater financial support for infrastructure investment and new push to reduce china's involvement
* india has to push project like maynmar bangladesh india gas pipeline or provide greater development funding assistance for poorer neighbour 


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